Dr. Kevin Chang is a certified Botox provider!
What Is Botox and How is it Used in Dentistry?
Botox (formally called Botulinum Toxin) is an extremely popular method of pain relief relating to TMJ issues, bruxism cases, and for patients with facial pain. Botox is diluted to a very controlled solution and, when injected into the muscles with a very thin needle, is almost painless.
What does treatment involve?
Treatment involves injecting small amounts of Botox into the muscles responsible for the movements that creates pain and spasms. This relaxes the muscle, reducing the tension cause by the muscles.
What Can I Expect During the Procedure?
Patients may feel a slight burning sensation while the solution is being injected. The procedure takes about 15-20 minutes and the results last 3-5 months. With repeated treatments, the results may last longer. It requires a short appointment and is appropriate for anyone (male and female) ages 18-65 meeting the clinical criteria for therapeutic use.
Can A Dentist Inject Botox?
YES - most dentists already have experience administering anesthetic injections in the same areas where Botox is injected for therapeutic results. The only difference is that you inject intraorally into these facial structures while Botox injections are extraoral injections. Dentists inject anesthetic for a living and know how to make these injections comfortable, quick, and relatively painless for their patients.
Dentists receive training in dental school on the facial anatomy, physiology, skeletal structures, the vascular and nervous system of the face, and overall facial aesthetics involved with this type of procedure.
For more information on how Dr. Chang can utilize Botox to relieve your pain- call today and ask about our $79 Consultation- (916) 786-2008.